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Japanese Artist Management

#Artist Management
TOPMUSICArtist ManagementJapanese Artist Management

Japan is home to world-class traditional Japanese music, including gagaku, shakuhachi, shamisen, kokyu, and taiko.

They have a uniqueness that distinguishes them from music from any other part of the world, and the music spun out by first-rate performers is truly wonderful.

The music produced by first-rate performers is truly wonderful.


We always want to spread this music to the world as much as we can.

There are many people in the world who need the power of traditional Japanese instruments.
However, not everyone has a connection with a traditional Japanese musician.
We would like to play a role in connecting the best Japanese instrumentalists with our clients.

We have connections with many excellent Japanese instrumentalists.
We can read and write music scores.
We are proficient in music editing software (Pro Tools / Cubase, etc.).
We can compose and arrange music for Japanese instruments.
English is also available.
Internet recording is also available.

We can also plan live events, set up recording locations according to your wishes, and rent special instruments.

If you have any questions, please contact us anytime.
