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Agency for Cultural Affairs Craft technique documentary2020『Yoshihito Yamashita』

#Soundtracks#Composition / Music Production
TOPMUSICSoundtracksAgency for Cultural Affairs Craft technique documentary2020『Yoshihito Yamashita』

The Agency for Cultural Affairs has been planning and producing documentary films on craft techniques designated as Important Intangible Cultural Properties since 1971.

Our company was in charge of the music for "The Work of Yoshihito Yamashita, Kon Shoyu" in 2020.

The film is produced by Nikkei Pictures and narrated by Kanji Ishimaru. Sound effects and MA were done by Masaru Kawamura of Studio ARM.


We are very honored to have been entrusted with the music for this precious archive, which the Japanese nation produces only once a year.

The work, philosophy and personality of Mr. Yoshito Yamashita, a living national treasure, and the images of Director Sano (analog film...!), Mr. Kawamura's incredible attention to sound, and Mr. Kanji Ishimaru's beautiful narration.


文化庁工芸技術記録映画2020年『蒟醤 山下義人のわざ』

文化庁工芸技術記録映画2020年『蒟醤 山下義人のわざ』


It is very interesting as a visual work.

We are happy to be involved in this wonderful work.



STUDIO ARM / Agency for Cultural Affairs
Music Director
Taro Ishida
#Composition / Music#TaroIshida#SoundTrack