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Announcement: Appearance on NHK ‘Ohayo Nippon’ | Taro Ishida

TOPBLOGAnnouncement: Appearance on NHK ‘Ohayo Nippon’ | Taro Ishida

Announcement: Appearance on NHK 'Ohayo Nippon' | Taro Ishida


I will be appearing on NHK's 'Ohayo Nippon' on Thursday, June 13th at 7:00 AM.

In this broadcast, I will be sharing my composition process, including a soon-to-be-released new piece that is based on Gagaku. The segment will be approximately 4 minutes long.



Additionally, they have filmed rehearsal scenes with Hanako Nakamura on sho and Yoshiyuki Izaki on ryuteki.

This opportunity was made possible thanks to the extensive support and efforts of NHK Director Wakako Matsumoto.

I was deeply moved by the passion and dedication of Matsumoto-san and the NHK team. Thank you very much.



I hope you can watch and learn more about my work and thoughts.

Thank you for your support.

NHK Ohayo Nippon Official Website