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Launch of the Gagaku Exploration Project Blog Series “Gagaku-Tan(Tales)”

TOPBLOGLaunch of the Gagaku Exploration Project Blog Series “Gagaku-Tan(Tales)”



Hello! This is Ishida!


I am a composer, music producer. Since around 2015, I have been involved in composition and production, as well as working as a music director and producer. In 2018, I had the opportunity to compose music related to "Gagaku," and this marked a new chapter in my career.


In 2021, I started the Gagaku group "Donburako" with musician Oorutaichi.

In 2023, I initiated a new project "Silence" that blends Gagaku with Western music.

In 2024, I participated as the general arranger for traditional Japanese music in the Disney-produced Hollywood drama "SHOGUN" (composed by Atticus Ross, Leopold Ross, and Nick Chuba).


Through these endeavors, I have been exploring, creating, and presenting new forms of Japanese music infused with the essence of Gagaku.


However, questions like "What is Gagaku?" and "What is this mysterious power?" constantly echo in my mind. I am driven by the desire to know more about Gagaku and to feel its enigmatic power.


Therefore, with a friend who is a professional writer, I decided to start a blog focusing on my quest to understand and experience Gagaku.

I hope you will join me in discovering the wonders of Gagaku, its mysterious attraction, and its incredible essence.


Stay tuned!


#dailythoughts #traditionaljapanesemusic #composition #gagaku #composinggagaku #nonmusic #gagakuperformance #donburako #filmmusic #ambientmusic #gagakutan #gagakutales #shogun