Drifter|Art & Branding | Music

The “Gagaku Tan” Series ~ Prologue ~

2024.08.01 Last Updated:2024.08.05
TOPBLOGThe “Gagaku Tan” Series ~ Prologue ~




Traveling across the Asian continent, the origins of "gagaku" entered Japan during the Nara period and were established during the Heian period. Its mysterious and mystical sounds remain unchanged, still providing a fresh sense of wonder and emotion, particularly to modern audiences and people abroad.


I composed my first gagaku piece exactly 11 years ago, commissioned to create spatial music for the Tokyo University of the Arts’ special exhibition "The Wall Paintings of Horyu-ji Kondo." Despite immersing myself in both classical and new compositions and studying diligently, there is still so much unknown. My grasp and understanding are perhaps close to nonexistent.


However, since moving from Tokyo to Nasu and living surrounded by nature, I’ve become even more captivated by gagaku. I've formed groups with top-tier gagaku musicians and singers and embarked on projects that blend Western music with gagaku.


In 2024, I was summoned as the chief arranger of traditional Japanese music for Disney’s Hollywood drama "SHOGUN." It achieved record-breaking views worldwide, and the soundtrack received high acclaim. I am immensely pleased that gagaku, Japanese traditional instruments, and their performers have garnered significant attention. As a composer and music director who has integrated gagaku and traditional instruments into my work, I feel confident in my ability to bridge the gap between gagaku and Western music.


Currently, I'm inundated with interview requests about "SHOGUN" and gagaku. However, as I'm not a gagaku expert or scholar, I often worry whether my explanations and answers are satisfactory. Nevertheless, I want to share the allure of gagaku with many people and deepen my own understanding. To this end, I continue to delve deeper into my studies.


I shared these thoughts with my friend, writer Atsuko Aoyagi, while playing gagaku in the background.


"The idea that the sensibilities of people from over a thousand years ago are still alive today is incredible!"

"It's beyond human comprehension!"

"Let me explore this with you."


Atsuko showed great interest in the profound nature of gagaku.


Though it might be an endless task, I plan to explore gagaku together with Atsuko, leveraging her unique perspective, even if she isn’t particularly well-versed in music.


Atsuko, let’s do this together.



written by Atsuko Aoyagi / ao.Inc.


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