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“SHOGUN” Earns Two Nominations in the Emmy Awards Music Categories! Taro Ishida Showcases the Power of Japanese Music

2024.08.16 Last Updated:2024.08.21
TOPBLOG“SHOGUN” Earns Two Nominations in the Emmy Awards Music Categories! Taro Ishida Showcases the Power of Japanese Music

"SHOGUN" Earns Two Nominations in the Emmy Awards Music Categories! Taro Ishida Showcases the Power of Japanese Music





"SHOGUN" Earns Two Nominations in the Emmy Awards Music Categories: A Historic Achievement for a Japanese Artist

"SHOGUN," with music arranged by Taro Ishida, has been nominated in two categories at the 76th Emmy Awards (Outstanding Music Composition For A Series (Original Dramatic Score) / Outstanding Original Main Title Theme Music). This is the first time in history that music involving traditional Japanese music and Gagaku has been nominated, and all eyes are on the awards ceremony, which will take place on Monday, September 16th at 9:00 AM (local time).


Taro Ishida's Role and Contribution in "SHOGUN"
The soundtrack for "SHOGUN" was composed by Oscar winners Atticus Ross, Leopold Ross, and Nick Chuba, with Taro Ishida joining as the fourth member of the team. While working from Japan, Ishida served as the arranger, handling the arrangement, notation, performer management, and recording of Gagaku and other traditional Japanese music.


2_ Background

Profile and Career of Taro Ishida

[Brief Biography]
Born in Boston, USA in 1979. After majoring in Japanese literature and Chinese literature at Sophia University, he entered the Tokyo University of the Arts to study composition, music theory, and electronic music, acquiring a broad range of musical knowledge.

Extensive experience composing for films and planetariums. Participated in various projects, including music direction for museums and projection mapping.

[Key Projects]
Directed the music for the Fukushima Reconstruction Projection Mapping Event "Haruka," Hoshino Resorts Aomoriya's "Michinoku Matsuriya," and the Gagaku group "Donburako," among others.



How Taro Ishida Became Involved in the Music Production for "SHOGUN"

For over a decade, Ishida has been composing music involving Gagaku, collaborating with musicians from Reigakusha, Japan's leading Gagaku ensemble. His work for various museums and visual productions using Gagaku instruments led him to believe in the potential and beauty of Gagaku. Eager to share this with the world, he began reaching out to international audiences through platforms like Instagram. This outreach caught the attention of a Hollywood composer team, leading to his involvement in the production of "SHOGUN." Composers who use Gagaku in their work are rare in Japan, and even more so in the entertainment industry. Ishida's broad knowledge and experience were highly valued, leading to his selection as the arranger for the project.


3_ About the Music of "SHOGUN"

Specific Examples of Arranging Traditional Japanese Music, Including Gagaku

One day, Atticus Ross and the team sent Ishida a sketch of a music piece with a strong beat, requesting him to add a Japanese element to it. Ishida proposed incorporating "Shomyo," a form of Buddhist chanting that closely resembles Nenbutsu. By integrating Shomyo into the music, Ishida was able to blend traditional Japanese sounds with modern beats. Despite the limited time available, he conducted a recording session at a temple in Chiba Prefecture, and the resulting audio was highly praised by the composer team, ultimately being used in the theme music for "SHOGUN."


The Story Behind the Production Process and the Emmy Nominations

During the production process, Ishida had no idea how large the final project would become. Although physically distant from the composer team, the four members worked diligently in a somewhat isolated environment. Ishida spent about a year and a half continuously working on the project, and even after his part was completed, the team continued with editing. One day, the composer team sent Ishida a link to the "SHOGUN" teaser movie, saying, "Take a look!" Ishida was blown away by the quality of the footage and was astonished to learn that it had already garnered tens of millions of views before the official release. Since the release of "SHOGUN," Ishida has been inundated with media inquiries from Japan and questions about Gagaku from abroad. "SHOGUN" is a work of exceptional dedication in every aspect, and while Ishida was confident it would receive acclaim, he did not anticipate the level of response it generated.

Comments from Atticus Ross, Leopold Ross, and Nick Chuba on Why They Chose Taro Ishida as an Arranger for "SHOGUN"

"After extensive research of contemporary Japanese classical music, we kept seeing the same name, Taro Ishida, pop up. After looking him up, we quickly realized we had found someone who would be a perfect fit. Taro has a vast knowledge of Gagaku music while also understanding modern recording technology and synthesis. We eventually connected with Taro on Instagram, and he proved to be an invaluable asset in our process to create the unique sound for 'Shogun.'"

4_Cultural Significance

Raising International Awareness of Japanese Culture Through "SHOGUN"

"SHOGUN" represents a significant step forward in bringing Japanese music culture to the world stage. Although Japanese culture has long been popular overseas, music has often been portrayed in a stereotypical manner, leaving the true essence of Japanese culture underrepresented. However, with "SHOGUN," traditional Japanese music, including Gagaku, has been expressed by top-tier performers and transformed into music by a world-class composer team. As a result, people around the world have begun to enjoy and appreciate Japanese music in ways they never have before.



Contributing to the Spread of Traditional Japanese Music

Gagaku and other forms of traditional Japanese music are rare and of exceptionally high quality by global standards. However, domestic interest in these art forms has not always been strong, and there are numerous challenges, including a shortage of successors and financial issues. The enthusiastic response from overseas to the "SHOGUN" soundtrack is of immense significance for traditional Japanese music. This opportunity encourages people in Japan to rediscover the beauty of their own music and fosters positive initiatives aimed at preserving and advancing the future of traditional music.


5_New Gagaku Project Underway After "SHOGUN"

The World's First Gagaku Project Challenging the Fusion of Western Music and Gagaku

Currently, Ishida is working on a personal project that fuses Gagaku with classical string instruments and electronic sounds to create a completely new type of music. He plans to release singles in September and November 2024, followed by an album in January 2025. Gagaku is a highly unique genre of music globally, and even something as fundamental as pitch differs from classical music. Thus, the attempt to fuse these two styles in a single piece of music is virtually unprecedented outside of contemporary music. This project boldly tackles the challenge, exploring how classical instruments can perform at Gagaku pitch and how the two styles can be successfully integrated into a single piece of music.



Impact on and Nurturing of the Next Generation

In today's world, fewer people enjoy music purely for its own sake; instead, many experience it in conjunction with movies, anime, games, and other forms of entertainment. In such a context, it is frankly challenging to have people appreciate Gagaku music on its own. Ishida's experience in producing music for entertainment, such as movies, theater, and museums, as well as the success of "SHOGUN," has led him to believe that creating music that aligns with visual and spatial elements is key to making Gagaku more accessible to a wider audience. The music he is currently working on is designed with the potential to be used as soundtracks for films, games, and anime. By introducing such music to younger generations through visual media, Ishida believes that people will naturally become familiar with Gagaku and other forms of traditional Japanese music, ultimately contributing to the preservation of Japanese culture. Ensuring that young people enjoy this music is the first step in this process.


6_ Visual Content

We have prepared images that can be used by various media outlets. We would appreciate it if you could kindly notify us through the email form below before use.


Visual Content Download Links

The "TaroIshida_Artist_Photo" folder contains artist photos of Taro Ishida, like the one shown below.

The "SHOGUN_Recording" folder contains photos from the SHOGUN recording sessions.

The "TaroIshida_NewProject" folder contains photos and rehearsal videos from Taro Ishida's new project concerts.

7_Awards and Past Media Appearances



    Television Critics Association Awards

  • 9次元からきた男 (The Man from the 9th Dimension)
    • Best Educational Production Award IPS Fulldome Festival
    • Good Practice Award Advanced Imaging Society
    • Best Visual Effects Award VFX-JAPAN
    • Official Selection IMERSA Summit
    • Official Selection International Festival of Science Visualization
    • And many more.


Major Media Coverage



UDISCOVERMUSIC Behind the Music of 'SHOGUN': Interview with Gagaku Composer Taro Ishida"

DramaNAVI  "Collaboration with Composer Taro Ishida for 'SHOGUN'"

NHK "Gagaku Featured in the Taiga Drama 'Hikaru Kimi e': Thoughts of Gagaku Composer Taro Ishida in Nasu Town, Tochigi



ScreenRant "Shōgun Composers Talk Nose Flutes & Traditional Japanese Music In The Big Score’s Latest Episode"

Motion Pictures "‘Shōgun’ Score: Atticus Ross & Co Meld Ancient Soul to Modern Tech"

Spitfire Audio"Leopold Ross on Bridging Sonic Worlds for Shōgun"



8_Contact Information

For interview requests, inquiries, or other communication, please contact us via the email address or contact form below.

Mail: mail@drftr.co.jp