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Artists in the age of AI: creating your own canvas

TOPBLOGArtists in the age of AI: creating your own canvas

Artists in the age of AI: creating your own canvas



Now, with the rapid development of AI technology, creative professions, especially illustrators, designers and musicians, are at a crossroads.

AI can now produce work of reasonable quality,
The relative value of artists will continue to decline rapidly.


There will be many who will continue to pursue expression that AI cannot,
There is no doubt that it will be overly competitive.
On the one hand, we will continue to fight against AI, which is becoming more and more technologically advanced.

On the other hand, there are smart ways to avoid continuing to fight with others and with AI.

"Make your own canvas".

This approach is called.




Artists who exhibit in famous museums and
Musicians performing at the triumvirate of major festivals.

This is the ideal image that many writers and musicians aspire to,
Let's get rid of this stereotypical image of the artist or musician.

Completely ignore the hierarchies in the art and music world.

Forget the rating systems created by others and create your own canvas = your own place of expression,
and work from there.

For example, you could design a menu for a small restaurant in your neighbourhood.

A good way to do this might be to design the menu for a small restaurant near your home.

A menu for a small restaurant may not be a "painting" in the traditional sense.
But if you think of it as art, then it can be art.

Creating a beautiful menu.
I think it's a great job.

Your work will be seen by more people than if you just drew a normal picture and left it in an art gallery,
It has the potential to be something that is enjoyed.

And it can be appreciated and even rewarded.




In the future, you should create your own canvas and paint your own pictures.
This is not the time to be an artist by making a difference or winning over others.

Create your own canvas based on your own values,
It is important to express your own art.

Forget the conventions that bind you,
fundamentally rethink