Drifter|Art & Branding | Music

Flow on the day of recording (traditional Japanese music)

2022.12.13 Last Updated:2022.12.23
TOPBLOGFlow on the day of recording (traditional Japanese music)

Here we describe the process of recording traditional Japanese music on the day of the event.


See here for an overview of services related to traditional Japanese music.


Suppose that recording starts at 12:00 noon in your area.
(If there is a time difference between Japan and your area, the time should be adjusted in advance.)

Let us assume that there are two performers on this day, each with a recording time of about two hours.




We, including the recording engineer, will go into the studio to prepare for the recording session, including miking.



We will send you a link to zoom for net recording and ListenTo, an app from Audiomovers.
Unless otherwise specified, we will use Pro Tools.



Performers will enter the studio.

At this time, you and we will be able to talk directly with each other using zoom and ListenTo.

If you have something you want to share with the musicians, we can have a meeting here. Of course, sound checks are also possible.

We only devote 15 minutes here, but of course you can spend a lot of time here.



Recording will begin at 13:00 if everything goes smoothly.

There will be two cameras using Zoom, one in the recording booth and one in the mixing room.

You will be able to watch the performers and communicate with us at the same time.

Please let us know the position of the cameras if you wish.




The first performer finishes playing and is replaced by the second performer.

Your second session is about to begin!



We've finished recording our second performer!

Now it's time to edit.

Once all sessions are finished, we close the network with you.
We stay in the studio and edit the data in ProTools, etc.

Please let us know in advance if you would like us to edit your data.
(Some people want us to leave the noise and conversations in the recording as they are. Of course, we will accommodate.)

If there is not enough time reserved at the studio you booked, or if the volume of what you record is too large, we will be happy to make an appointment for you at a later date, such as the next day or the day after that.




Let's say, hypothetically, that the editing is completed within the scheduled time here.
We will send the completed Pro Tools data to you.

You will be able to experience and use the sounds of traditional Japanese music recorded here!


That's it!


This is only a sample.

You can customize it in any way you like.

If you have any questions, please contact us through our contact page!