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Music For Sleep | 3 Albums & 1Song [ Spotify / Youtube ]

2023.01.19 Last Updated:2023.01.23
TOPBLOGMusic For Sleep | 3 Albums & 1Song [ Spotify / Youtube ]

Music For Sleep | 3 Albums & 1Song [ Spotify / Youtube ]

Music For Sleep [ 3 Ambient Albums ]


Do you sometimes have trouble falling asleep at night and find yourself thinking about the same things in circles?

At such times, why not change the atmosphere of the room with music?

We have been making music for over 20 years, and we would like to share with you some of our favorite ambient music for your space.

All of the music listed here has been compiled into Spotify playlists.

If you are a Spotify user, please click here.



The links to the images of the works here are to CDs and vinyl records on amazon.
If you would like to purchase, please go there.


Brian Eno / Music For Airports


This is one of the most famous works of ambient music pioneer Brian Eno. Originally created for airports, it is also known as one of the best ambient music albums.

Brian Eno's music is comforting, but it is not just gentle and soft.
I feel that there are negative elements such as darkness and loneliness living in the music.
Because of this, there is a depth to the music, and I can safely surrender my head and senses to it.
When I listen to this music, I can accept the parts of myself that I don't like or that I don't want to show to others as part of me, and in a good way, I can give up on them.
I think this is that kind of music.

I recommend this music to those who want to feel relieved in a real sense.


Steven Halpern / Spectrum Suite


This is a masterpiece by steven halpern, one of the pioneers of new age healing music.
It is a wonderful album that makes the air in the room soft and clear from the moment you play the sound.

When I first heard this album, I thought, "This is just an album of improvised keyboard playing. It might be a bit monotonous." Surprisingly, however, I never get tired of it, even after listening to it many times, and I have listened to this album about 100 times in 2022!

Of course, I played it many times when I went to bed.



Ryuichi Sakamoto + Alva Noto / Vrioon


The high quality music created by Alva Noto, a leading German electronic musician, and Ryuichi Sakamoto's piano will make your room introspective and refreshingly cool.

Alva Noto usually produces quite aggressive electronic sounds, but in this unit, he produces more intimate and personal sounds.
Ryuichi Sakamoto's warm yet lonesome and sophisticated piano playing is combined to create a wonderful and indescribable music.
I don't think there is electronic music of this high quality. The quality is so high that I can completely relax and leave my head and heart to it. I often listen to this music when I work.
This unit has released quite a few albums, but I think this first album is the best.



John Cage / In a landscape


A wonderful ambient music with a slow piano solo where loneliness and warmth, now and past, presence and non-existence coexist.

This piece, which seems minimal but keeps on changing, is in fact almost never repetitive.

It gives the impression of walking slowly alone in a monochrome foggy world.


Although John Cage is often discussed for his radical performances and characteristic ideas,

such as "4 minutes and 33 seconds," he has left many genuinely wonderful works as a musician.

Personally, I love many of his piano pieces.